Monday, January 15, 2007

I am home

And after that application madness, I am finally home. Last time I was home in November of 2005, and this has been the shortest gap between two trips home. Needless to say, being home is great.

The food rocks, it is great to have nothing to besides chill and talk to my parents about anything and everything. It is great to catch up with old friends, even though every year, we have fewer things in common.

The flight home was surprisingly ok. I dread the London-India leg of the trip and start preparing for it mentally at least a month in advance. However, it was pretty painless this time. Probably the combination of alcohol and sleep! I did not sleep two nights, but I think I am settled well into the routine. The weather is great, and I am just happy to be escaping the frigid temperatures of New York.

It was great to see my dog again. I got her when I was 10 years old, and after 15 years, she is still going strong. She is a small German Spitz and we joke that she is living on “bonus” time. She is really old now, and has lost most of her teeth and survives now on a semi-solid diet! But she is still the cutest dog in the world, and as I often tell my brother, a more important part of the family than he is.

And now its time to get back to watching some bad TV under a warm quilt! There is really no update on any application as such – too early to hear from them anyways!

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