Saturday, October 28, 2006


I ran into a co-worker yesterday in the grocery store. This isn't the first time that has happened - when you live within 5 blocks of work, and so does 10% of your company, it is bound to happen.

Anyways, so this guy is engaged to be married in a couple of months and I met his finance for the first time. She is in med school in Boston and was visiting for the weekend. And my first reaction was - Wow, he could do so much better!

Let me explain. He is a genuinely good guy who is doing very well in life. He went to Harvard, and has quickly ascended the ladder at work. He is normal looking, and a real fun guy to be around. He could get pretty much anyone he wanted. As for his fiance, she was just average looking. Not much of a personality either.

As I thought more about it, it suddenly seemed to make sense. He is 26 years old, and he has been going out with her for the past 9 years. When they started dating, they were just two people who liked each other. Questions like where they would go to college, what company they would work for, and how much money they would make just didn't matter. As time went on, thier feelings for each other did not change, regardless of which path they took in life.

The reason why I felt the way I did is because we are so used to comparing couples. If you see an accomplished guy with an ordinary girl, or vice-versa, you always wonder what is going on. And the sad truth is that as adults, we hardly ever like the person for who they are. Every time I have a friend tell me about their would-be soulmate, it is hardly just about what the person would be like. It is so hard to strip out how they look, what they do, where they went to school etc.

I remember thinking this when I was a poor college student. If I found a woman who would like me in that condition, I wouldn't have to worry about her not liking me if I dind't make it big in life. I mean my circumstances were as bad as they could get in college. Unfortunately, I never found that woman.

However, its not too late either, as I am still broke, just not a college student anymore. Any takers?


qsg said...

Well, even if you found someone as a broke college student, you still run the risk of them not liking the person you become after you start raking in the moolah!

The right person will like you for who you are, no matter how rich or poor you might be!

Ditto about couples - as they say, beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder. Things don't always make sense from the outside looking in, but they do to them!!!

sush said...

true..sometimes we look at the credentials of the person more than wat they are.not sure v can justify somethin like that with the theory that ppl do that in order to choose the rite mate...

Hobbes said...

Thanks for stopping by! :)

And I do agree with the others, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. When two ppl have been together so long, I guess what matters is that they dont grow apart - which is the problem plaguing most long term relationships. Its great that your colleague and his fiance have been able to grow up together. Wish I could say the same about myself! :)

Arun Pillai said...

Very thought provoking post .
Bookmarked ur URL :)

Sandhya said...

Nice and meaningful post.