Monday, October 30, 2006

Temporary Visitor

So, this past week I had to go get my driver license renewed. I knew it had been due, but it sort of quantified things in an interesting way. I have been here more than six years. That is a long time regardless, but when I look at it in my case, it seems even longer.

I just turned 25, so that would put it right at about 1/4 of my age. But is it really 1/4? I certainly don't remember much of my first six years. And I would have to say that next 6 years didn't do much to define me as a person either. The six years after that though, from 12 to 18, probably made me who I am more than any other time period. So even if I take my definining years since when I was 10, about 40% of that life has been here. That is indeed a long time.

And yet, when I got my license renewed, the lady at the counter put me as a "Temporary Visitor" on my application. Temporary visitor is an interesting way to put things, to say the least. In the past six years, I have been out of this country for a grand total of less than 50 days. This is where I went to college, this is where I got my first job, my first paycheck, my first credit card, and my first apartment. And I am a temporary visitor here??

Things never cease to amaze me....

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